Well shit… Steve’s image for the lab didn’t take. I feel bad for him because I know how that feels.
Oh, and a special thanks to him for putting himself out to finish my iPodShuffle offer. Now I just have to wait for him to go green. At least I know where he lives, unlike jdogg0140!
7 replies on “”
yah…i heard you mention the computer lab shuffles in the monday faculty meeting. of course i was just trying to stay awake despite all the dean blah blah blah.
are you my stalker? because that would be swell.
It’s almost 11:30, I don’t even want to go into what all I’ve done here tonight trying to get this place to work. I think in another hour and a half or so I’ll be able to leave. Hopefully Nick will still be awake because he’s my ride home. Then I get to get up bright and early with Corwin because Jenn has to work Saturday at 8am. I have labee’s with schedule issues, and yet I’m too tired to hate the lab right now. I just want this to be done with. If people bitch about it on Monday I just hope I’ll be able to remain civil. If not, I honestly don’t care right now, people grumble about us when we get the least bit snippy, well fuck em, I’ll shoot right the fuck past snippy and go for downright mean.
uh no, you added me as a friend first. do you have a stalker?? those suck!
Sorry, it’s a quote from a movie…
It just came to mind because I had no idea you were in that meeting, so it struck me as odd. 😉
No worries. Just me being silly.
ooh that’s funny. i know who you are but you don’t know who i am. now that’s kind of creepy! come to think of it, i don’t know how i know who you are. one of your icon pics must be a real pic of you or something or maybe you had a pic posted on one of your posts. oh but i do too so that’s strange that you don’t know who i am. oh complications! whatever 😉 we be lj homies…
well, I am pretty vocal about who I am, where I work, and what I do. I don’t hide myself away much.