LiveJournal Archives

Posted by: peloquin3 on Buzznet

A bit overworked
This is how many systems I’m working on all at the same time… and just to note, none of these are the system I routinely do my work on, its off to the right, out of frame.

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not only are there that many, but there are 5 as of yet untouched laptops to my right, 4 as of untouched iMacs behind me and 20 PCs in the next room!

Well screaming is pretty much a daily task for computer support types. Depending on to whom, where, and how much can add distinct variety to your work day. 😉

Yeah, I don’t juggle, I drop one thing and focus on the other thing until I step on the thing drop the other thing pick up the thing, then someone tosses a sparkly thing at me and then, well that’s all I focus on intently until someone gets tired of stepping on the things I’ve dropped and hits me over the head with them. Then I start the process all over.

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