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I have a blind spot in the middle of my vision. Its as if I looked into a really bright light, but I don’t remember doing so. Its really annoying and I wish it would go away.

In other news, I had seriously considered staying home today, seeing as how incredibly busy we’ve been in the office lately. But then, when I finally decide I might as well go to work, I get a message from Steve saying he will be late and he wants me to open the lab for him. Lucky.

Anyway, I’m having a bitch of a time writing with this blind spot, so I’ll just sign off here.

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Its fading.

I think it was a wannabe migrane. I don’t really get headaches, and I defintely don’t get migranes, but I get some of the symptoms of them without the pain. I think being forced to open the lab this morning without warning did it.

When I get migraines, I lose some of my vision too. I get blind spots, but I also get tunnel vision, like I have blinders on. I think that as long s it doesn’t happen very often and it’s not setting you back in any way, it doesn’t need to get checked out. You’re lucky you don’t have any of the pain that goes with them (but not so lucky that you, you know, don’t get *blinded* by them either). Feel better!

yeah, both of the people in my office suffer migranes (or did at one time) so I’m fairly aware of both the symptoms and the excruciating pain. I’ve only had the blind spot twice, and both were on stressful days.

Like I said, now that I’m out of the lab, things are much better. Just a little hazing around the left peripheral vision.

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