LiveJournal Archives

It was an good weekend overall, even if I did have a couple bouts of depression.

Friday we cut out on work early to get ready for movie night. I had set up the projector and the screen on Thursday, but I wanted to make sure everything was still in place and working, plus, we needed to clean up a lot. So we cleaned up, Heather vacuumed, and then I started making sure we didn’t knock the screen out of place and I turned on the projector. While I was setting up the cables, I heard a pop and a tinkle of glass and noticed the screen was dark. The bulb in the projector had blown up.

After a number of wishy-washy calls to corwin75, I finally decided I’d just use Heather’s office projector. I raced up to campus, got the projector and headed back to get it all set up. After we had everything lined up, I watched The Fast and the Furious and played a little Amplitude while waiting for people to show up. We had 11 guests, a new record, including starburstlvr! We had an awesome time watching Big Trouble in Little China on our effectively 89″ Screen!

I don’t know how often we’re going to do the projected movie, it was kind of a pain in the ass to put the screen up and get it all lined up, and while it was cool, it’s still not really our projector so we don’t want to take too many chances with it. It is a $5000 with $500 bulbs. I don’t need to replace that for anybody!

We did, however, enjoy the movie screen setup so much, that after everyone left, Heather and I watched National Treasure on it.

Saturday, we screwed around, did a lot of nothing, watched another movie (on the TV this time) and that evening I went to a D&D game at corwin75‘s. It was a really good game, we had a good time, even though I haven’t had any investigating to do since I picked up either the Investigate Feat, or the Master Inquisitive prestige class. Maybe me commenting here will get us another mystery to solve.

Sunday, Heather and I drove down to Tyler to look at a Timeshare that we really liked the looks of. Turns out we really liked it once we got to see it all, but in the end, it was way too expensive so we had to walk away. For our time, we got a 3 day/2 night trip to Vegas with airfare included, and a 5 day/4 night trip to an island getaway of our choice with no airfare included. We also took advantage of being in Tyler to visit with Heather’s sister, and coincidentally, her grandmother, and her parents who were all down there for her neice’s graduation already. It was a good hearty meal.

Now all of us staff are stuck here on campus because it’s Memorial Day, and there are no classes, but the staff still needs to be here to… uh… to apparently do jack and shit. I’m going to try to write some info on my D&D world because I really want to start running it sometime soonish.


2 replies on “”

Hey, if I get this new job I might be able to finally be free for fun stuff like movie night and possibly DnD if you guys ever need an extra. (and WoW!) anyways, i’ll let you know if things pan out.

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