When I was a kid I had this book, Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. It was about this kid, Alexander, who was more than a little grumpy about his day.
I’m having a day that sounds like it would have a similar title, only with more cursing since I’m a grown up (mostly) and I swear like a the bastard son of a trucker and a sailor. Needless to say, I’m not in the greatest mood but, like Alexander, things are looking up. I’ve been building this web site for a faculty member here on campus and while the design and coding took more time than I had originally expected, I got it all done. Now the struggle is getting it up on the web. What was supposed to be a simple task (and actually was 95% successful) has actually nearly exploded in my face and left me completely adlebrained for the entire day. I’m just now starting to pick up the pieces as things get a bit more sorted out. I may be getting to a point where I can actually enjoy my RPGA game tonight and not die from stupidity or miscalculation. Then again, the way my day’s going…
I bought a new car stereo Saturday. Some of you are saying to yourselves “didn’t you just buy one this past December?” The answer to that and much more is yes! But you may also recall that I bought it used on eBay for about $30. It did exactly what it needed to do, which was get us to Virgina and back listening to the Nomad the entire way. Other than that small success story, it’s a piece of shit… honestly. So I’ve been doing the website and I knew I was getting paid today, so I decided I’d head over to BestBuy and see what they had in stock. They didn’t have the Aiwa that I wanted but they did have this Dual Headunit that was simple, cheap, and had all the features I wanted: AM/FM stereo, MP3/WMA, and an interface cable for my MP3 player. It’s also really bright blue! I had them install it for me because last time, while it wasn’t impossible, or even difficult – it was kind of a pain in the ass. I figure if they want to do it for free, god bless them. I also went ahead and put $20 down on the service plan because I haven’t heard of Namsung, have you?
So anyway, now I’m trying to clean up my Nomad for more efficient listening, but it looks like it’s going to take more time than I have today to re-sync all the tunes. I’ll have to take it as is today to test it out, and bring it back tomorrow for a full update.
Have fun kiddies, and stay safe! I love you all.
5 replies on “”
Hopefully you won’t have to move to Australia.
What’s wrong with moving to Australia? I like Australia.
Perhaps you need to reread the book 🙂
I have… it’s just been a REALLY long time and I don’t have a copy anymore. 🙁
That book is my day today too.
Garr, what is it?