I guess I just haven’t been in a posting mood. I used to post frequently and regularly, but I’ve been really lazy lately. I just haven’t been in the mood. I’ve still been reading, but my writing focus has been elsewhere. I think it’s all the chatting and playing on World of Warcraft.
Anyway, my skin has almost completely shed. I got sunburned last weekend (not this past one, but the one before) while I helped my friends sell parking spaces for Fry Street Fair. The worst of it was on my ankle… yes, my ankle. Who the hell gets sunburned on their ankle? But yeah, my face has completely peeled, my arms are in process and nearly covered in brand new skin and my ankle, well, it’s not purple anymore. All in all, it was a good weekend, though. Last week went by fairly quickly. I did a web site for a faculty member that he is currently evaluating to determine if he’s going to pay me or not. I had to work on it until about 6:00 in the morning Wed/Thurs so he could take it home on a CD. I think it came out pretty darn good for being my first all Flash site. I’d post a link here, but since it’s still in negotiations, I’ll hold off until we have his official site set up with a Domain name and everything. Currently it’s just hosted on my site for preview purposes. Even if he doesn’t like it, it’s going in my portfolio.
This past weekend, I helped a Friend move and then got to play some good old-fashioned RoboRally at Talon on Saturday. We had a huge nine person game, which is the biggest I’ve ever played. It was about five hours of robot rallying madness. I think everyone involved had a good time. Sure, it could have ended a little sooner, but otherwise all was good. oros was the big winner, but really, we all felt like winners when he pulled that Ahead 2 and ended the game. Then we all went to eat at Baris for Derek’s birthday. I still don’t know which was the manicotti and which was the canaloni, but it was all good.
Watched a lot of TV and played a lot of WoW yesterday. Celebrated the triumpant return of Family Guy. The first scene alone was well worth the wait over the years. I’ve got it on DVD here in front of me and I may try to pull that clip later when I’m at a different computer. If I can get it small enough, I’ll attempt to post it for your viewing pleasure. If you didn’t get a chance to see it, it explains why Family Guy was gone for all those years.
I think I may actually be able to go to the rec center tonight, my ankles don’t feel like the flesh will shatter if I get on the ArcTrainer.
11 replies on “Long time no real post”
Oh man…
that first scene…
I was laughing…and crying (Firefly, etc)..
but it was BRILLIANT! Made me wish I was watching it in a theater with a bunch of other fans…
Was “..eh” on “American Dad” but usually the pilot of any show isnt too great anyway.
Ugh I hate sunburns like that. And there’s nothing you can do… but try and hide in your cave for a few days. Just stinks when that’s not an option.
but actually, that’s the second episode. I have the first on my computer if you’d like to see it… it wasn’t much better.
I expect American Dad to make the list next time Family Guy gets canceled and comes back. 😉
yeah, I took a day off work to try to get a little less peely… also my ankle was so badly burned, it hurt to walk, so that was a convenient excuse.
Haha – bet they hadn’t heard that one before… “Yes, I can’t come into work today because I can’t walk.” “Why can’t you walk?” “My ankle got sunburned.”
But what really stinks is when you actually have one of those cliched excuses happen. For example, once I actually DID get a flat tire… lol.
Actually the excuse I heard from him was he was too sunburned to put on pants, so he wouldn’t be coming in.
That was, in fact, the excuse I used. My knees and legs were so burned that I couldn’t wear anything but loose track shorts.
Walking was also very painful.
Actually , I think I will pass on the episode 1 for now. If it wasnt that good…eh. Thanks though.
We missed taping it because even though the timer on the DVR was set right…the damn Superbowl ran over, Simpsons taped, etc. Big pissy mess.
What *I* want are the episodes of “John Doe”…*sniff* gods I miss that show.
Haven’t had much WoW time, what do you think of the honor system so far?
Also, the Family guy epside was great, i died laughing, but the intro was definatly one of the best parts 🙂
I downloaded it off the internet months later, after the StuporBowl.
I’m loving the honor system. It has, however, slowed my level progression. I shoud be 60 already, but I’m stuck at 58 because I keep wasting my time waiting for a decent, organized raid.
It seems that most of the alliance players only know one plan when it comes to raiding: “Charge!”