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I’m trying to keep myself entertained…

Its another long monday morning in the lab, but today I don’t feel like I have the endurance to make finish the race. For some reason this morning is just really kicking my ass like the cancer.

I didn’t do a lot this weekend, and the free time I was supposed to have somehow slipped through my fingers. One of those hours was stolen by that dastardly Daylight Savings Time. Damn you DST, you tease me with an extra hour in the fall, only to take it away in the spring again. So anyway, I was supposed to sit down and play some Hardcore WoW but Heather and I decided that we’d go to Sam’s Club with Steve and Jenn on Saturday… which of course led right into the game Saturday night. Sadly, it wasn’t much of a game. I blame no one for that fact, its just that I really wanted to play some good old fashioned D&D and more just sat around waiting for it to kick off. So my Saturday wasn’t a total bust, but it was surely less than perfect. We did, however, score a Sam’s Club membership ourselves, while we were there. It’s only $35/year and for the money we can save on dog food alone, it’s probably worth it. Also, we bought Splenda enough to last us 25 weeks worth of coffee.

Sunday I was so torn over the loss of Saturday and the loss of an hour while I slept, I didn’t know what to do. I still wanted to kill the day with WoW, but at teh same time, our yard looks like crap and I really need to mow. After watching Fat Albert (the movie, which I thoroughly enjoyed, thank you very much) I decided to be a total bum and just log in and game, but just as I logged in, pretty much everyone logged out. I was left to run around on my own. I made the best of it and picked up another level. I did rake and sweep the patio and grilled up some Salmon that Heather marinated overnight though. It wasn’t as good as it could be. The marinade she mixed up didn’t compliment the fish very well. It would be better suited for pork. We still half of the fish left, unmarinated, so we’ll try something else next time.

I got really grumpy at one point because as much as I play World of Warcraft, I’m being passed up by one person in particular who has been a good adventuring companion. It shouldn’t have annoyed me nearly as much as it did, it was pretty stupid. Its just that he started playing weeks after I did and has now caught up and passed me in level. I needed to just calm down and remind myself that doing things like going to the movies, having friends over, playing real RPGs, and spending time with my wife were more rewarding than tuning the world out and playing some game. If he’s willing ot sacrifice everything outside to that little online game, then he can have the level.

If I ever get out of this lab, I’m so catching up with him.

One reply on “I’m trying to keep myself entertained…”

I know the feeling on leveling. I ahve been there before, and it can be hard. AT the time, it was in Everquest, and my friends that I played with had far more time to devote than I did. They were mostly into the high 40s and 50s, while I was still struggling in the mid 20s.

What made it more than just a minor annoyance than just getting to play with my friends was that it actually affected my gameplay in other ways. We were on Rallos Zek, the “if it’s in 4 lvls either way” kill them server.

To top it off, my friends were murderous fiends in the game, and so when people got killed by them, they ended up seeking me out by their alts to get revenge.

But then I realize, hey, it’s a game. And so I joined with anti-pvp players and fed them information about my friends and joined into the fight against them, and when they got pissed off at me, I say hey, it’s just a game 🙂

I definatly hope you keep enjoying WoW, but definatly not at the expense of a happy life. I had 2 roomates, who were also part of this EQ group, who dropped out of school and bailed on me with the bills to focus on Counter Strike. I’ve seen what focusing too much on a game can do to you, and i’d hate to see it happen to you.

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