LiveJournal Archives

keevs left this in the lab and I found it this morning…

01. Name: Kacey
02. Age: ugh, 31
03. Where do you live: Denton
04. What makes you happy: my wife, my dogs, movies, good TV
05: Fandoms: Role Playing Games, Video Games, Select Movie Franchises
06. What have you been listening to lately: Damon Albarn projects (Blur, Gorillaz)
07. Favourite film: no such thing, there are too many good ones to rate one as my favorite.
08. Favourite band/singer: Oingo Boingo/Danny Elfman
09. Interesting fact about you: I have 4 piercings and a Tattoo.
10. Are you in love at the moment: Definitely.
11. Favourite destination: On the first day of vacation, anywhere but home. On the last day of vacation, nowhere but home.
12. Favourite quote: I didn’t know people quoted me.
13. When is your birthday: I’ll only tell you if you’re buying me a present.
14. Will you post this in your LJ: uh, duh!

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01. Name: Erika
02. Age: 21
03. Where do you live: Denton, Texas
04. What makes you happy: sleep, kittens, movies, manga, good things
05: Fandoms: animals, manga, webcomics
06. What have you been listening to lately: Pink Floyd and now Live
07. Favourite film: Shawshank Redemption, The Last Unicorn, and more
08. Favourite band/singer: —
09. Interesting fact about you: I can touch my nose with my tongue
10. Are you in love at the moment: I’m in crush. :3
11. Favourite destination: Not Denton.
12. Favourite quote: “Curiousity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought her back.”
13. When is your birthday: Sept. 29th
14. Will you post this in your LJ: Already did

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