Tonight is the return of movie night at our house. This is to be a bi-weekly event, held every other Friday (or the first and third Friday, details are still being worked out). We have invited Sean and his wife, Laura, to “co-host” the event with suggestions, assistance, added libraries and additional Netflix queueing. Laura made the movie suggestion for our revivial – she wanted to see Pirates of the Caribbean again, so that’s the plan.
They (Sean and Laura) also suggested we extend the movie event to include a bit of a theme as well. So now, the chosen movie is to extend into the realm of food and drink. When we host the movie night, you are encouraged (though definitely not required) to bring food and drink that would go along with the movie. We’re not talking about going all out with decorations or costumes, just a little added something to add to the experience. Alcohol is allowed, though I to broke to provide any for anyone but me.
Official Details (if you are reading this, consider yourself invited)
7:00 opening – 7:45 showtime (A.I.S.*)
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean
Location: Comment if you don’t already know or need directions
For those of you unfamiliar with our movie nights from the last stint, this is not some kind of movie club where we watch, critique and analyze the movie. We watch the movie, we have a good time, we talk through it, comment, laugh, have fun. Its an excuse to get together, we watch the movie for entertainment. This ain’t no Oprah. I know this is short notice, but we’d love to see you there.
7 replies on “Return of Movie Night”
Movie night! I won’t be going though.. 😡
well, we’re gonna do it every other week (in a perfect world at least) so keep your eyes open.
Yeah, maybe sometime Kristin’s in town, if she can come. 😡
🙁 I miss movie night.
If only I hadnt skipped LJ today!
“Pirates…” *sniff* one of my favorites…
and to think…
I was in Denton just an hour ago…drinking a couple Shiner’s at Riprock’s with my dog…snackin’ on a BLT.
Ne’er again will I not read my friends…nor miss out on wearing my parrot 🙁
I love the RipRocks BLT, but ever since they dropped Blue Moon from the tap, I’ve been disillusioned.
you’re still invited…