LiveJournal Archives

1. Choose 15 people from your friends list at random

(or not at random if your randomization keeps giving you nothing to write).

2. Write something about/to each of them.

3. Don’t tell anyone who the statements are about. Good or bad. No matter how they beg!

  • You take wonderful pictures, pictures that inspire me to write, dream and wish to travel abroad.
  • You are more open and honest than I think anyone I have on my friend’s list. It is both refreshing and encouraging to read your posts every day.
  • Your cynicism and black humor never cease to amaze me. I have people who read my friend’s list and are offended by your posts. Good Job!
  • Of all the people I’ve not met in person, you are the one I most would like to meet.
  • You’ve opened up lately, and I’m proud of you for doing so. Keep up the good work, I love to see people grow and evolve as a result of college.
  • I’ve known of you but never really knew you until you were gone and I discovered your journal. I wish I’d had this chance to know you earlier.
  • You are living some of the dreams I’ve had in the past and are not afraid to be yourself. My respect goes out to you.
  • You are the best friend I barely know.
  • Your photos and posts make me long for the child we want but can’t have quite, more than anyone or anything else in my life. You are always happy, even when you’re sad.
  • You make me realize that clinging to youth is not inappropriate, its necesarry.
  • I miss you and wish you hadn’t left just when I was getting used to you being around. But you’re happy and that is more important.
  • Keep drawing, its a part of you and you’re really good at it. I had hoped, when you fell off the face of the earth, that you were still drawing somewhere.
  • I screwed up 15 years ago and I haven’t been able to applogize. I’m sorry and I wish I could go back and fix it, but I can’t.
  • I smile on the outside whenever I see you and I smile on the inside whenever I think of you.
  • We really need to hang out more. You are one of my favorite people right now, we just need more excuses to spend time together.

5 replies on “”

I haven’t seen that episode. I like the Simpsons, but haven’t seen a lot of the show.

My friend Annaliese’s husband, tho–he watches the syndicated reruns every day. Their two-year-old daughter now recognizes Simpsons memorabilia in Target. She calls them “Seem-sons”. Annaliese, who thinks cartoons with bodily function humor are of the devil, is traumatized by this.

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