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The new lab I had to set up this week is pretty close to being done except for the furniture. We ordered the furniture around the same time as the computers but the desks just haven’t shown up yet so I set the lab up on the crap-ass tables that were in there. I have a sneaking suspicion that those tables will show up around 4:00 tomorrow, in which case I will be working both Sunday and MLK day to get them assembled. If they show up any later than that, I guess I’ll pull a weekender some other time and get the lab into perfect condition.

The other thing we’re waiting on is a couple of university work orders. One is to get the projector mounting in the ceiling so we can hang out projector. The other is a power drop so we can plug in the Instructor’s computer. Yes, that’s right, at present, the instructor neither has power, nor a projector, so it really is more of a lab than a classroom. So for now, it looks like we’re going to be using an extension cord and a media cart for the projector. So for this new cutting edge facility, we’re kind of going in caveman style to the first class unless I can get some strings pulled or a windfall of luck.

Otherwise the class/lab is looking pretty good. I’d gush over what’s going in there, but it’s all mac’s so I don’t really care that much. All I can say is they’re expensive and heavy as fuck. I just wish I had as much room in my main lab over here as there is in that huge room over there.

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