Monday morning and I’m in the lab not eating my cereal. Damn it.
The weekend wasn’t too bad all in all, though Nick decided to throw a wrench in my Sunday by calling at 1:30 saying that our workout time was moving from 2:30 to 2:00. I was still watching Butterfly Effect and had no idea how much it had left to go. He also dropped the bomb on me that we’d be going straight from the Rec Center to his game. None of that was in my plan for the day. It all worked out in the end though. I got through Butterfly Effect without a problem and headed out to the Rec Center. Was only about 10 minutes late, but still got there before
Steve and
Craig. Had a pretty good workout day. Was a stomach and lower body day, but the Torso Rotation machine was out of order so I missed out on one machine. Got on the rower again, but my arms told me at 6 minutes that I wasn’t going to do 12 minutes on it. Gave up and went upstairs to run for a bit to finish out the cardio. Had time to float in the pool to cool down my core temperature as well so I’d stop sweating before going over to Nick’s to game.
I was harshly reminded yet again that my hard drive crashed. I went to update my character for Nick’s game since we leveled last time and remembered that it was done in PCGen. So when I went to level him, I couldn’t just erase and re-write the numbers, I had to sit and scribble out and make notes until I get a chance to transcribe him to an actual character sheet. I have a love/hate relationship with PCGen. I love character generators, but I hate having to reprint the character every time something changes. I’ve been this way about character generators for years, from way back in the AD&D 2nd Ed Core Rules CD Rom days.
I also put the first coat of paint on the walls in the office this weekend, also. It’s certainly a bold color choice. I’m still not displeased with it at all, it just continues to surprise me ho willing I was to go that bright. I wanted a kind of wasabi/bamboo yellow/green and by damn that’s what I got. I need to put another coat on and may take the afternoon off to do so. Then I just need to decide on the baseboards and trim around the doors. I’d like to get the furniture back in before my parents come to visit, which shouldn’t be a problem once I actually buy the material for the baseboards. I’m probably just goign to use 1×6 or 1×8 and put a 1×1 in front of it. I don’t really want to use quarter round because I like the idea of all the squared elements. Heck, I’m tempted to rip the trim off the doors and replace it with 1×2 but I really don’t think I need to spend time and money on that. At least not at this point. If I did that, then I’d have to change the window sills and I’m definitely not going that route.
Mowed the lawn this weekend too. It really needed it. Wore one of my “wife-beaters” and even though my body really hasn’t shown any signs of change, I’m at least more comfortable with myself and was fine out in the front yard. Though I did burn my shoulders a bit.
Anyway, I guess I don’t really have anything more to say.
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle Friday BayBee!!!
4 replies on “”
Heh, I watched Butterfly last night too. So-so IMO.
I loved it, so there. :p
Though at the end we realized it was very similar to the Donnie Darko plotline, in at least the realization he had at the end.
Did you watch the deleted scenes? I’m very confused by them, I don’t know how the movie would move to that point.
I watched the Director’s cut only…have yet to even consider the theatrical side.
I love Chaos Theory, mesmerized by such ideas.
I liked the script, I liked the ideas it brought to light, and didnt even cry when they used Eric Stolz as a dirtbag instead of James Spader (heehee).
I just think the acting could have been ALOT stronger and brought a lot more to the table.
I see what you’re talking about the DD similarity…
but damnit: Ne’er will Ashton even come close to the Jake-meister 🙂
(Does “Angel” dance)
Ne’er will Ashton even come close to the Jake-meister
Well, that’s true. Hmm, I wonder if we saw the director’s cut. We had the Infinifilm version and there wasn’t even an option or indication. Shit, I have no idea what we saw then. I know it had a pretty dark ending. No happy, sappy ending for us, those were only in the deleted scenes.