LiveJournal Archives

wow, I was actually able to read all of my livejournal posts with no delays or “server not found”. Anyway, I have to go read the module for the game I’m running at noon. It’s gonna be interesting, running levels 12, 9, 3, and 3 through a module together. I hope I don’t kill everyone but the 12, or some wierd shit like that. I’m gonna try to actually prep npcs on this one cause I know this module can get trick. I have 3 hours, I need to go.

2 replies on “”

phew, i thought it was a problem on my end, i was about to kick the damn thing. Ran so many scans i just gave up and shut it all down and turned to my ever trusty ps2.

Subscribe to and they’ll post when there are problems. Of course, sometimes its really hard to see what they’re posting if the page isn’t comeing up, but if you get lucky, at least you know whats going on.

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