damn I need to pay for more icons, I just made three more, even though they’re not animated and they’re from some goofy avatar creator. I still like them so suck it!


damn I need to pay for more icons, I just made three more, even though they’re not animated and they’re from some goofy avatar creator. I still like them so suck it!
5 replies on “”
Where did you find that creator? I’ve been looking for it for a while…but every link I find is dead or overloaded…
sitck this in your google and tell it you feel lucky:
cartoon face creator
I had just asked one of my LJ friends where she got hers………
Re: Weird…
yeah, but I get tied of asking people where they get this crap, so I just decided I’d be resourceful and find it on my own.
I keep thinking I should make my own Avatar Generator. Too bad I’m not an artist.