LiveJournal Archives

Well, my jaw and ear are feeling much better today. I started taking some antibiotics heather had left over from some other infection. Nervous as I am, I looked up the prescription and it’s actually one of the four typically given for ear infections, so I feel pretty good. The dosage is a little larger than I read for most ear infections so I’m only taking two a day instead of three. Things seem to be getting better for the weekend.

[geek on]

The game went pretty well last night in my opinion. Even when we stopped to bullshit and just hang out, everyone was involved, none of this “oh, well the four of us are going to talk about UO and the rest of you can go fuck yourself” kind of bullshit. Things were a little slow to start since a) it was the first session of a new system for all of us and b) Spycraft has what’s called a “gearing up” phase of the mission where you get extra money to buy equipment for the mission (in addition to your regular equipment) and that took a little longer than expected. I’m going to try to get the mission briefings ready ahead of time from now on and the players can make shopping lists before the session even starts. That way when it comes to the gearing up phase, they’ll already have a good idea as to what to pick up. It should make things go a little smoother. The session involved very few dice rolls, which I dont’ have a problem with, and everyone seemed to get to do their fare share of RP. It was still kind of the opening scene, so we’ll see what happens next time. I guess I never determined if this was an every week, every other week, or two on/one off kind of deal. I guess I should email everyone.

Okay, email away!

[geek off]

So tonight I’m planning on going to Cool Beans for a bit, and then possibly going out and seeing Hellboy (if taloncomicsDerek is interested. He mentioned something about it Wednesday, so I’m waiting to see what he says. He should be in the shop around 11 and hopefully be on ICQ/AIM shortly after that.

I had a lot of fun making orosCraig’s icons yesterday, so much so, that I’d love to spend some time this weekend making more. I found some new tools that make creating icons a little easier, including a little free application that will actually strip almost any video format down to a (long) series of jpegs or gifs. So I’m going to play around with it a little today while I mess with the GALMAC Brochure.

Anyway, I guess I should get to doing some work. Have fun boys and girls, and have a great weekend. Expect lots of pictures from me on my MoBlog

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