This post has been sent from my new PDA, via the mail client and the WLAN on
campus. If this works, it means I can post to LJ from almost anywhere on
It also means I’ll have to seriously consider that wireless router for the
This post has been sent from my new PDA, via the mail client and the WLAN on
campus. If this works, it means I can post to LJ from almost anywhere on
It also means I’ll have to seriously consider that wireless router for the
4 replies on “test post from Clié”
Works, but the spacing/formatting is a little weird. It goes to the next line too soon, or whatever, which is annoying. 😛
Note: The SEGA Dreamcast used to do that. It probably still does.
It’s an issue of the email program formatting the text. It doesn’t appear that there’s a way to tell the mail program on the PDA to not do so, so it’s kind of stuck that way.
As for posting from a SEGA Dreamcast… who would ever even want to post from one, unless it was just for novelty?
I had an LJ friend who didn’t have a computer. She used her Dreamcast to post on LJ and use the Internet…