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I keep thinking I should just stop drinking my coffee and take a nap in my chair. No one would notice so long as I made it to my 10:00 meeting.

5 replies on “”

It might be too late for a comment but…

(the other people from your 10:00 meeting would read the sign when they came in the room, with you sleeping, and miraculously leave you to sleep instead of making you come up with all the answers….)

at least that’s how i read it 🙂

Re: It might be too late for a comment but…

*ding* *ding* *ding*

You got it 🙂

So what will you choose…curtain number one or number two?

Ok, for some reason…I felt Bunch chuckle in another universe…and we all have “the mind”…so…

You’ll get a cookie instead 😀

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