LiveJournal Archives

I’m having mixed feelings of anticipation and concern about this weekend. I’m going to go do this Slot-0 interactive in Tulsa and I’m still not sure if I’m excited at all about it. I think my excitement begane to wane when I realized that I’m not going to have a free weekend for the rest of the YEAR! Today, we’re leaving at about 7:30 to drive up to Tulsa. A 5 hour trip. I’ll be spending the night in the house of someone I don’t even know, helping out at the interactive Saturday by playing possible the hardest character in the module, sleeping a second night at the same house of someone I hope I know a little better, and then driving back 5 hours on Sunday, hopefully in time to go to the SOVA Holiday Party for work.

I was really excited about this interactive this summer, but since then, my excitement has diminished a bit. I don’t know why, but I’m just not as thrilled anymore. I think it’d be better if I didn’t have to go to Tulsa two weeks in a row (yes, I’m going back next week for the actual interactive). Oh well, I’ve voulenteered myself, I’ve made my bed, now I guess I have to lie in it.

I’m concerned about money again, and I still have yet to finish my christmas shopping. Unfortunately, as I said before, I’m not going to get a free weekend at all for the rest of December. That means I need to take a day off from work, just to do holiday shopping. I keep getting money in my account, and it keeps going away before I have a chance to shop for Heather. I need to “fill her stocking” as it were. For me, that usually costs $50-75, but right now, I think I have less than $50 and I have to buy her another gift and I’m still going out of town two weeks in a row, which means I need to pay for food. I’ve even sold over $50 in D&D books and I still don’t seem to be making any ground. I need to sit down this evening and figure out how much our joint account owes me because I’ve bought a lot of stuff for us out of my money. It’s an interesting ballancing act with our money, but it seems to work for the most part.

Damn, I still need coffee.

4 replies on “”

Don’t feel bad…This month is looking pretty rough for us as well.
Not only do I feel horrible that we havent any money to do or get anything for our b-days this weekend (his is Sat., mine Sun)…but $ for gifts for anyone, including ourselves is looking grim.
I think we will be doing a lot of memorable things this year, like maybe outdoors stuff or movies…if we can afford that even.
Hang in there…you are such a good hubby tho’…don’t stress about it too much…you’ve got the love, that is never forgotten!

Yeah, I mean I already got her three nice gifts, but I always like to have a bit o’ cash for splurge gifts while I wander aimlessly around stores. I do need to at least start to fill her stocking so she doesn’t just have an empty sock hanging by the fireplace on the big C-Day.

Anyway, I’m sure I’ll do okay, even if I have to fill her stocking partially with Russian Styrofoam peanuts just to make it look full.

Ooooh! Exotic peanuts…
Just the thought gets a girl all hot and bothered…

Huh? Wha? Uh, hold on a second….
(whispers behind screen)
They’re still just packing peanuts…
Hehe, uh…nevermind. Been inside too long.
Silly me!

yeah, but they’re really cool, fucked up peanuts. They’re all different sizes and shapes, no two the same, like snow. They’re really solid and hard, but still amazingly light.

Really fucked up.

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