LiveJournal Archives

Ugh, it’s been a long, excrutiatingly boring day. Fridays are always so slow and monotonous.

I don’t even really have anything to write about.

So I’ve been shopping for Christmas and Birthdays. As I said before, I’m concerned about going overboard like I always do. I’ve put some old 2nd and 3rd edition D&D books on ebay and I’ve already made $22 with a guaranteed additional $23. I’m padding my gift expenses by getting rid of nostalgia. I think watching Clean Sweep has helped me to realize that just because items have sentimental value, doesn’t mean you have to keep them. Find another way to stay connected to you memories and feelings (journals for example) and get rid of the bulk in your home. It can be worth money and make your home more lievable. I may start taking this further as I find other things that no longer serve any purpose in my home.

I also need to finally finish my case so that I can sell or trash the old one. That way I don’t have two computer cases lying around the house (though if I found parts enough to build a second… bah!).

Things have been really good between Heather and I. I love just having her in the same room with me. When she goes shopping or I stay home from work, I enjoy my time alone, but when it’s time for her to come home, I immediately start missing her. It’s freaky, but cool, very cool. I remember, before we had any problems, I would feel spontaneously “twitterpated” just sitting in the living room watching TV with her. That feeling is returning, and with gusto. I just love sitting with her in silence, chatting about mindless crap, going for car rides, watching movies…

…I just love being with her.

And I won’t even talk about the other stuff here, I’ll save that for a more private journal entry.

Tonight I have a lab meeting. If I didn’t, I’d probably be home already. I’ve got a lot of stuff to cover, but I hope it goes by quick. I like staying late as little as the lab attendants, so maybe we can buckle down and get this taken care of quickly. I’m going to drop a bombshell on them today. I’m going to tell them about a new time-clock system we’re going to be using rather than filling out time sheets all willy-nilly.

Oh, crap, I gotta go tell the students the lab is closing in 30 minutes. I feel sory for the lab attendant because they all just walk all over her. The students may mock me, but at least when I say to leave, they get the fuck out.

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