Archive for December 11th, 2007

Kacey No Read Good

Tuesday, December 11th, 2007 | LiveJournal Archives | 9 Comments

One of my biggest regrets is that I’m not an avid reader, and to this day, that fact confounds even me. I’ve always loved stories, and any format of fiction, but for some reason I just never seem to have the focus to actually dedicate myself to reading. In recent years, I’ve tried to amend this oversight, but it seems that there are still things that kind of get in the way of picking up a book. The increase in activity in my daily routines restrict any attempt I make to dedicate long stretches to a good book. I can still do laundry, make food, and take care of the baby while watching TV. TV and movies are good for multi-tasking, but reading requires complete dedication, at least for me.

All this aside, next year, starting in January, I’m going to try to improve my reading habits. While I may not, say, attempt to read one hundred books in a year, I am at least going to try to read as much as I can and whenever I can read in lieu of watching TV, I will attempt to do so. I’ll be using the bookshelf application in Facebook to keep track of how much I manage to read. I’m not going to call this a resolution, but, like my 365 project, I’m going to use the new year as an attempt a personal experiment.

Oh, and I’ve begun debating what I will do when I finish with my 365 project. I could just drop it, but part of me says I should start up a second one immediately. No decisions yet, but I know a second year will be almost twice as challenging as the first.

hey, look… a real entry of sorts.

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December 2007